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Ever thought about piloting your own aircraft, with the ATC you can do just that. ON your first flight you'll be taken up, flown about and possibly get the chance to do so aerobatics. Flights after this and its up to you exactly how much you do,with the consent and supervision of a quallified pilot of course. THese pilots are usually retired from the RAF and can tell some really good stories, while you fly about.
You'll also get the chance to do some gliding, which with alot of effort and time tou may get to go solo in.
- The ATC is the largest official organiser of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme in the UK. As a cadet you will be encouraged to take part in this scheme.
- All cadets are tought subjects from our own syllabus, included in which are :- map reading, drill, first aid, principles of flight, airframes, aircraft recognition, radio and radar and many more.
- You will get the opportunity to visit RAF bases for camps and section visits both in the UK and possibly abroad.
- As a cadet you will be asked to take part in community projects, such as local conservation work and the local carnival, where we get to show other people what we are about.
- On top of all this there's the adventure training. The hill walking, climbing, abseiling, night exercises and orientiering. As part of Cumbria North Lancs Wing we have access to Halton training camp. This is an excellent adventure training facillity at which we hold regular weekend camps. when you'll get the chance to get dirty and have fun.
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